Office Location and Hours

The PALS office is located at 1548 Mt. Vernon Road, Dunwoody, GA 30338 inside the Dunwoody United Methodist Church building in the Young Adult Suite. Visitors must come to the church office receptionist desk to be directed to the PALS office. Hours are Monday, Tuesday 9 am – 5 pm, and Wednesday 9 am – 4 pm. Currently our office is closed due to Covid 19. Voice mail telephone messages may be left (770) 698-0801.

Email: [email protected]

Message Board
For comments, recommendations, ideas for new or repeat courses, or to provide information or messages to the officers, e-mail them at the following addresses:

To the PALS President, Bill Berger, click HERE
For more information about PALS , click HERE


The PALS organization is staffed by a board of directors, an advisory council, other volunteers and office support. PALS draws its many volunteers from the PALS members who attend PALS classes and from the community at large.

BOARD OF DIRECTORS: The PALS board of directors has 15 members including the officers of PALS, committee chairpersons, and a representative from the clergy of the affiliates.

The officers of PALS are:
Bill Berger, president
Al Bridges, vice president
Dick Reinhold, treasurer

The Program committee plans the Lunch ‘n Learn sessions. Committee members obtain the speakers and instructors from academia, government agencies, businesses, civic and religious groups, health care organizations, and individuals – all of whom are also volunteers.

The Finance committee is responsible for financial matters. Dick Reinhold, treasurer.

The Religious/Civic/Corporate Affiliates committee is responsible for the support of affiliate congregations, civic organizations, and corporations, and prospective new affiliates.

ADVISORY COUNCIL: Representatives of PALS affiliates are the active communication links between PALS and the Affiliate organizations that support PALS. The affiliate council meets quarterly at the end of the quarterly class session.

OTHER VOLUNTEERS: Active volunteers assist with PALS Lunch ‘n Learn sessions and other community services.

OFFICE SUPPORT: PALS employs one office support staff member. Iris A Katz.

FINANCES: The sources of income to PALS include the fees from the registrants to the PALS Lunch ‘n Learn sessions, affiliate donations, and individual donations. Affiliate congregations furnish class rooms for the quarterly sessions, meeting rooms, the PALS office, and other services.

PALS is a non-profit corporation classified as a 501 c(3) organization. Donations to PALS are tax-deductible.